ELERIX may sound as a fresh new brand, and actually it is, however there is a decade long experience in doing business with a number of battery cell manufacturers, of product design and active sales to entities of different size and scope.

Behind the brand stands a team of experts from various fields of business and industry. ELERIX was created with the aim of having a range of products that we, ourselves, believe in. 


We have formed a strong team of experts and successful company founders with proven track record of more than 12 years in the energy industry. The ultimate aim of this joint know-how pool is to rigorously hand-pick or produce only the highest quality electric products for our clients. Together we have received various international awards, but more importantly we have seen and tested thousands of solar panels, lithium batteries and accessories, so our clients do not have to. Elerix is an umbrella brand for the best of the best performing products we have found throughout the years or we have produced ourselves, because there was simply no offer.


stands for anything
related to electricity


stands for the verb 
to master


Category: Young Energy Leaders
Czech Govt. A-CSR OSN Centre
Energy Innovation Award
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